Tuesday, October 26, 2010

British Weather

I was beginning to forget the horrors of torrential down-pours because over the last week or so, we have barely had any rain. We did have hail storms a bit, but those lasted minutes and left you quite a bit dryer than rain would. Regardless, it is back. I left the house in normal boots and just in case grabbed my umbrella but boy was I unprepared. By the time I was out of classes, rain boots would have been a much better choice. Thankfully I have given up on my futile attempts to have any good hair days while I live here, so I was meeting the rain with full-on frizz anyways but my toes are soaked. This afternoon- 'wellies' are in order.
I didn't go phone shopping yesterday because there were more important issues to deal with. Like giving the letting agency the list of things wrong with our house. I've already mentioned the laundry issues, and the fact that our gate's lock has been broken is minor, BUT yesterday while I was washing my face, the faucet on our bathroom sink fell off. Completely broke off. I tried to see if it would screw back on or something- but nope. I even looked through the house hoping someone left some duct tape behind. So I had to brush my teeth over the bath tub. And to really make our bathroom sound terrible, Amy has discovered that water has been leaking from the back of the toilet. gross. I tried to see if there was anything to adjust (my skills with this sort of thing are extremely limited) but British toilets are different and weird and so it was added to the list. The lady at the agency was a little surprised about the lengthly list of problems, but promised to have two guys come look at it today.
So here I am, sitting in the other room wasting time while they bang away at the various broken parts of our humble abode. I would really like to have lunch, but there is no way to squeeze in there. Plus I don't want to be subject to "how the hell did this happen" comments from these guys.
So in other news I am going skating tomorrow- I think I talked about this already. But Amy refuses to come with me, so it will be an attempt to be independent and hopefully make some friends. Speaking of friends, I wanted to explain my statement about the girl from India.
At my first legal skills seminar, I met a girl who seemed quite nice, but explained to me that she hadn't done any of the readings(two chapters from the textbook, a case and a statute) or answered any of the questions. I figured it was only our first seminar so she would be fine, and didn't think much of it. At the end of class she asked for my email and name, and I thought it was so great to have made a friend. But then I got an email from her. She wanted to ask me which chapters we needed to read and whether it was really necessary. She has a hard time understanding english, so maybe she didn't realize that in our booklet for the class it is very clear about what is mandatory and what is additional. But again, thought nothing of it and replied to her saying read this and answer these. Then she quickly responded saying" I don't understand activity 1, 2 or 3"- which is all three part of what we need to for for thursday. She asked if I could explain them to her. This is when I realized I was being too nice. We have a tutor for this particular seminar, plus we have a personal tutor- I am trying to keep up with my own work, I can't give her my answers too. I am therefore dreading thursday, when most likely she will say she didn't understand, and make sure she is my partner, and make it so I don't get to discuss it with anyone but the girl that has done nothing. I don't know what to do. I don't want to be mean, she is nice, but I don't want to risk not understanding a particular part of the class because I am too busy reading her my answers. Plus this week we have an actual test on the material, so there's no time to mess around. Amy thinks I should be nice because she might secretly be a bollywood dancer who is looking for someone to travel the world with or something ridiculous. I'm slightly conflicted.
On another note I have had two tutorials with my new group now, and I think it will be interesting. No hot guys like legal skills, but interesting characters. More to come on that.

Now to give you a break from my blabber, have a look at this article. It's about bans on miniskirts. It is kind of silly- but look near the bottom. they have bans in this town on everything! "In other places they have banned sandcastles, kissing in cars, feeding stray cats, wooden clogs and the use of lawn mowers at weekends." Read it for something light- and be thankful for your right to wear what you want- for the most part.
Have a great day!

P.S I can do laundry now- they found what caused the problem. A 'hair grip' (aka a bobby pin) got caught in a tube. My fault. Oops!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

I'm actually in classes...

Yesterday I spent 9.5 hours tackling my readings for Tort and Constitution &Admin. Those are the tutorials I have for the first time next week. Oh and Legal Skills again. Con&admin is pretty unexciting- mostly whether or not the UK should codify their constitution into a single document or not. But Tort is getting interesting. This is the type of law I have promised my grandpa I won't get into. Mostly we are dealing with negligence claims. Some of the stuff is actually pretty interesting. One set of cases keep coming up- the unwanted child ones. Basically, up until awhile ago, people could sue the National Heath Service(NHS) for the cost of raising a child they had no intention of having. Okay not just anyone could do this, but if the birth resulted in negligent procedures (i.e a botched vasectomy), they used to get away with this claim. A bit ridiculous? Then they went on to just limit to parents who gave birth to special needs children- because their costs were higher. This is such a touchy topic, I don't even know what to think. But in my legal skills class they are going to make us take apart a section of legislation that deals with marriage- and they want us to do it from a feminist perspective. I am looking forward to that. Okay so that's enough to prove I haven't just been hangin out here.

Today was grocery time, a few more hours in the library, and laundry. Now normally laundry wouldn't be a big event- but the washing machine is broken. This makes it quite the process. It runs, but because it's a front loader it won't open after because it doesn't drain. So you have to remove the hose in the back, let it drain outside(thankfully it is right next to the door) and then have it go through a fast spin about 4 times. still the dryer won't work, so everything has to hang to dry. Sound like fun? No. If we had phones we would call the stupid agency, but until tomorrow- no such luck.

So speaking of phones I will hopefully have one tomorrow. But it will be a UK cell so you won't want to text me, but we will have a landline with a reduced fee to call canada so that's an option. when you really miss me.

I wish I had more exciting things to say, but it was another nerdy weekend. I still need to figure out a halloween costume- the countdown is on! Maybe this week I will make more friends.. other than the girl from india...have I talked about this? Oh dear- let's do this later...


Thursday, October 21, 2010

Shut your eyes

The brit's love potatoes. That is what I have determined today. Yes, it was a highly productive day. Except not at all. Because all my tutorials don't start until next week, I had most of my day open. With no class until 4pm, I had a plan.

My iphone international plan runs out today- so I need to get the damn thing unlocked. Why haven't I done this, you may ask. Well right before I left, I did an update and now they don't have software to break into this yet. Well they said mid-october they should be able to. It is past mid-october so I thought I had given it enough time. So off I go downtown. It was 11:30- and this lady tells me the guy I need won't be back until 2 but assures me it can be done. I had some running around to do, so I figured I could wait a few hours.

In the mean time, I browsed through top shop(which is having a massive sale I couldn't even get excited about today- what is wrong with me?), double checked with the phone company that once unlocked I can get the plan I want, and finally found some boots. Exciting I guess- but I guess I was just anxious to get the phone thing over with. In my last attempt to waste time, I decided to get lunch. This is where the potatoes come in.

I found this restaurant in the mall called 'spudulike'. It was packed. Essentially it is a restaurant centred around baked potatoes. You can pick toppings- things like chilli or even chicken tikka masala(because everything has a curry option) and they put it all on a baked potato. I got the 'simple' one- with cottage cheese and chives and it was actually delicious. All over the place they have signs going on about how healthy it is, and I was mildly surprised. According to them, potatoes are 'virtually fat free'(their words)- is this true? Weird, right?

Okay the conclusion to this adventure was that after filling myself with potato, I show up at 2:00 on the dot and the guy tells me, "sorry, hopefully the first week in November." You can probably imagine the drop of my jaw. So what a waste of a day. Well okay, not a waste but slightly disappointing.

Now I had other things to talk about, but I am sure you have had enough of me for today. Long day tomorrow- so time for bed.

p.s I totally forgot the reason for the post title. I don't know why this song has caught my ear again, but I like.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Things that caught my attention

(Carr this might have something to do with your potential masters thesis??)

And for all you gleeks, take a look at this. Apparently parents decided to care that the glee 'kids' got a scandalous GQ spread- except they are in their mid to late twenties and like the article says, this is nothing new. I mean there is a part of me that wonders why the lead in glee has suddenly shrunk- but I suppose fame does that to some... Regardless, I am strangely attached to this show and maybe even secretly wish I could have been a part of this in real life. I know it is cheesy and predictable, but they do such a good job and it really does make me laugh. I know I made fun of some of you originally for watching this (aka flan) but I take it all back. Oh and the new guy in glee club- should we love him? Can he compare to our Victoria boy who will likely be the namesake for chlo's first child? You tell me.

Okay for some reason TV has turned out to be the subject- so I can't not mention Mad Men. If you haven't followed this, it's time to rent/download the first four seasons. I just watched the season 4 finale- and I am not quite as awestruck as I was at the end of the third, but still. I don't know what draws me to this show so much. I don't long for the days of cigarette smoke swirling or chauvinist ideals- but there is a certain something about this show. You have a love/hate relationship with all the characters, you hate the way the episodes end, you sort of love the way they dress. And by 'you' I mean me- and obviously some of the other viewers that make this show so popular. Watch it. I suppose it is a bit like smoking...Tell me you hate it. or get hooked.

I know I should update you on school and life, but after a day filled with reading I needed something fun to do. So this is what you get. Tomorrow I will catch you up- and throughout the weekend because there will be no partying for moi.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Less words, more pictures

Olivia Palermo. I hated her on The City but her style is just tooooo good. I got this from here. I want those shoes. and if I could have my hair like this for like a week I would be a happy camper. And look at this necklace. She is just so well put together.


I love all of this outfit. Great shoes. Great bag. Jacket, stripes, ring, necklace- Fantastic. Oh to be a socialite and have nothing to do but wear around fabulous things.

Oh so I read this today:

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 - Dec. 21):

Common sense will be at a premium today, so don’t get carried away and do something silly. You may think you are unbeatable but the planets warn there is a chink in your armour. Find out what it is and cover it up.

Do you think this means that I shouldn't go to the law society bar crawl tonight? Nah. That's why there's cold medicine! Tonight the camera is in my hands tonight. Hopefully that means no more incriminating photos coming from amy, and possibly some good ones to share with you.

Now since I am limiting my words- read this to keep you thinking. Have an opinions on this?

Oh and I need some ideas for a halloween costume- so comment people!


Sunday, October 17, 2010


I had plans to talk about some interesting things for this blog- but I am sick with a cold. So all my motivation ran out and I am going to bed early. I hope I will be back to normal by tomorrow- and then maybe you will get a fun blog from me.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Mid-month update

In all my effort to no longer bore you with play-by-play of daily events I have gotten behind in telling you some of the best stuff. Firstly, our internet is now setup and I have high hopes that there will be no more deprived days in my future. Secondly, classes are well underway. I actually just finished my first tutorial, and in true cmac fashion I didn't shut up. But I am getting ahead of myself. Let's do this logically.

I finally got to do my lame gym induction thing- which means I get to go to the real gym now. And I have! It is a 15 minute bus ride away, out by the residences. It is strange because they have all their res halls/gym out in a sort of suburb of Leicester. It would be like having UVic downtown- but everyone still living up in gordon head. Or for OC in ktown to have them out in mission. So good call for us to live on our own- since we are about a ten minute stroll to the campus- instead of a bus ride. Side note: The res buildings are not the cement blocks of Uvic though, they are in beautiful old manors on like estates with gardens and such. Little bit of a difference. Now conveniently located for them, the gym is out there. But for me it's just a bus ride. This is one predicament I need advice on- bus pass: yes or no? One person told me they are about 200 pounds- but for a round trip to the gym it's 3.20(3.70 if you have the mean bus drivers). Thoughts?

Tuesday I rushed home, changed and caught the bus out there alone to do the induction. I knew sort of where I was going- but mostly had no clue. I took the right bus and even managed to get off at the right spot- but that's where it all went wrong. I called the gym to give me directions- but apparently there was a bit of a language barrier on one of our ends- and I ended up walking in circles and going the wrong way for about 20 minutes. I got to the gym 5 minutes late. They wouldn't let me join the group- so I had to wait until 2. So I sat on a field, finished Saturday(p.s didn't really love it) and played Sudoku on my phone like a real nerd(but I am getting really quick). The next part isn't that funny- just walked around the gym blah blah blah. BUT on return home to my directionally- retarded flatmate, I made sure she knew exactly what to do and where to go. Funny story- she got off way too soon and wandered around for an hour and a half. She did end up finding it- but way too late. Plus she left her phone at home. Oh Amy :)

Last night I went to the gym- but I am not saying to be like ' oh look how fit I am' (because I'm not...yet)- it was the encounters around this trip that I want to share! Bus ride there way uneventful, but after getting off the bus I ended up walking behind of obvious first year girls. It was 7pm and fricken freezing out- and one of them was just wearing a tanktop! Do I sound 80? Good, because someone needs to put some clothes on these girls. It wasn't their dress as much as their conversation that made me quickly put my headphones in and walk around them. "My stomach is totally flat and my quads are great- but my arms are like grossss." "Yeah I know- in pictures I look sooooo fat"- these are 17 year old sticks talking, and my 80 year old self is still shaking my head at them. The gym was good. Then I had to wait forever for a bus back. This is when I met a lovely redhead who, it turns out, is also in her first year of law- but she is from Southern France(we need to become really good friends...) and is doing the dual french/english degree. So she does the same course as me (the senior status kids) for two years, then goes to France and does two more years there. She was such a sweat heart- and I was really happy to have someone to chat with. After we were on the bus, the next stop took 15 minutes to load everyone. It was either a football or rugby team. The older ones were in suits and looked nice- the freshers were in white painter suits- all taped together. It was quite entertaining- especially when they started singing. One of them asked another girl to marry him- claiming he was justin beiber. Not a usual bus ride.

So today I had my first seminar group thing. It was a cold fall/winter day, but I was determined to look good. I wore my thick black gap (j/l)eggings, black ballet flats, a new striped sweater and new oversized thick black blazer. My hair wasn't cooperating, so I was brave and attempted the 'top knot' style- which actually worked because of my big scarf wrapped around my neck. Anyways, feeling like I looked pretty cute I went. Turns out they do tutorials/seminars so that senior status people are all together- so mostly Canadians and all my age! I lucked out. Amy and I have been scanning our massive lectures of 200+ for hotties- and two of my favs are in my group. One's from London, one's from Vancouver... now only if I could act cool. Which is not possible when you put me in a group and ask a question. I have an unbearable urge to talk. And I did. So my irish TA loves me already- but coolness levels are severely decreasing. OH WELL.

By the way- prof update. One's german, one's irish, one's spanish, one's italian, and my tort law prof is this lovely British lady. So European. I will let you know about all my TA's for tutorials once I have them.

In other news- I am becoming so white I am nearly see-through. There is a tanning salon place around the corner. I think it is an essential investment. Oh and I bought shelves today for my room (finally) which I will be shortly putting together- and finally a mirror for the bathroom! This place is really starting to feel like a home. Once I purchase a phone, I have a landline too! Oh and soon I should be able to switch my phone over to the UK networks- so texting will have to stop mostly- but I will warn you before that happens!

Anyways, I am off to my afternoon class. Ta-ta for now my lovelies.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Pretend this was posted October 12th

(delayed due to internet-Sorry!)

Okay this is crucial. Right click (that's control- click for you mac lovers) here , and press open link in new window, and then play while reading (it won't let me put the video on my blog).

I feel like a Madonna song is fitting considering you are pretty much her #1 fan.

Happy Birthday to my wonderful Mom!

(Let this be a quasi-birthday card until mine comes in the mail)

So today is all about you. I wish I could be there to celebrate with you- but unfortunately you will have to have all the champagne for yourself! You are cooler than any pop star, and are definitely a better role model.

(dressed as Gaga)

You are more like Superwoman- I don’t know how you handle it all. A kick-ass office manager, a fabulous wife and mother- plus you can still out-party us all.

No one can wear heels like you can. Oh I have yet to see someone with better legs than you! While I may tease you about your love for sparkly things and matching- but it’s really only because I wish I could pull off the outfits you do. You have always been the coolest mom in my eyes- and most of my friends’- and for good reason.

You are responsible for some of my best qualities- and you have let me make the mistakes I needed to. The more I grow up the more I realize how lucky I am to have a mom like you.

You are my best friend.

Love you so much Mom!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Turkey Day

(A song to listen to while you read :) )

Thanksgiving. It's here and I am not with the family and I am trying not to feel weird about that. Compared to yesterday, today was much nicer. The morning consisted of lounging around, watching some True Blood, and looking up recipes. I was really determined to make a make-shift thanksgiving dinner. I found the easiest pumpkin pie recipe I could(do you know how many spices you need for it?!), and looked for something else to go with boring mashed potatoes. Then after hitting the books for a couple more hours- but this time in the comfort of my house- we went on a grocery run.
Since we don't have a car, I'm back to carrying around everything I buy, which usually results in multiple small shops instead of massive load ups. Today wasn't supposed to be nuts, but we were running out of everything and I need some serious ingredients for dinner. I will save you from too much suspense- I couldn't find half the things I needed for pumpkin pie, so we ended up buying a mini carrot cake for dessert. But I found some yams, potatoes, carrots and a stuffed chicken to cook! I took a picture, but it isn't a very photogenic bird. It ended up being a great meal and we even have some leftovers. There wasn't any wine- which would never be lacking back home- and I wish someone was here to fight over how to make gravy (we didn't have any). But like Amy and I agreed, we also didn't have to fight our brothers for food. Plus, anything I am missing now will just have to be doubled up at christmas. I am definitely thankful for that.

What are you thankful for? It seems silly that it takes a holiday to make you consider that question, but I suppose it's as good a time as any. I am thankful I am here- in England, in law school, getting to experience something I never expected to. I am thankful I have all of you there- I mean I want you here too- but I am happy I have so many people who I love to come back to. I'm thankful I didn't overcook the chicken. I'm thankful for everyone that reads this- and I'm thankful for having somewhere to put all these silly things down! Now you think about it.

On another note, I haven't had all my law classes yet, and obviously I won't even touch on some types until next year, but so far I am really liking contract law. Not only was my first impression of the prof the best, but while I am learning about it I think I get it. Okay now there is sooo much more to it than what I've read this weekend, but the idea behind it- or at least its premise works for me. Overview: it's when individuals voluntarily enter a contract(big or small) and then one party doesn't go through with their obligation. That's when contract law kicks in and makes sure the claimant is compensated. I always thought this to be a bit boring, but I promise it's a little more exciting than that. Enough school talk?

Did you know that they call cross walks zebra crossings here? Cute. Where am I going with that? No idea. Just a fun British fact. Okay, I'm done.

Well I may not put a post up tomorrow, because I start Tort Law and Constitutional Law tomorrow, and then will hopefully go to yoga. BUT it is a special someone's birthday on Tuesday and I will most definitely have to do something for that!

Hope you liked that cover of one of my favourite Arcade Fire songs.
Au Revoir!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Stand By Me

Because even google is doing it... It would have been his 70th birthday today.

I'll keep it short and sweet tonight. Spent from 11-8 in the library- sounds like a fun saturday. Lots of reading and still not done. Need to get back into the groove of school again. So after learning about ways to study law, how to read cases and statutes, and about all the different court systems in the UK- I need some sleep. So just that video for tonight. Oh and this, which I'm sure will be new to none of you, but is my new favourite study tool. Haven't you always wanted playlists to fit your mood? Go to the site. I listened to the reading one all afternoon, and it was perfect.

Goodnight my lovelies, I hope you have a wonderful Saturday xo

Friday, October 8, 2010

Retail Therapy

I went shopping. I still haven't found boots, but I found a new store to love. River Island was where I purchased two fantastic dresses and an oversized blazer. This one caught my eye when I first went in, and then I ventured further into the store and found much more. They also had great shoes. My first browse through the website worries me a bit- but I promise it isn't just the UK version of Sirens. The other store I discovered was Next. Amy found two pairs of pumps there that are adorable, and I finally got slippers and even found a print for my bare white walls. It was a successful outing.

That was after yesterday's class. Today we had a full day of lectures, and I can safely say that unless my Law of Tort prof is British, I will be without a single British professor. Legal Skills is Italian, Civil is Spanish, Contract is German. Oh and my tutor is Canadian. Aren't we so international? Thankfully only Pablo, the one from Spain, is hard to understand- but he isn't terrible on the eyes. Amy almost had a crush on him- until she met the German. Somehow he reminds her of our prof Bunton from Uvic that taught us Palestine/Israeli Conflict- she had a big crush on him despite his very obvious lisp and wedding ring. I don't understand either. Other than introductions, we have a ton of reading to do. Time to get my nerd on.

To balance the materialistic first paragraph, and convince you that I really do plan on being nerdy- read this. It's about who they awarded a Nobel Peace Prize. I won't summarize- just read through it. Perhaps it could be read while munching on this.

I want to attempt to make something festive on this first Thanksgiving I am missing with my family. Maybe a crumble, but hopefully a pumpkin pie. Oh and since my oven is small(like everything here) there won't be a turkey or stuffing, but maybe chicken and some mashed potatoes instead? All I know is that I better get the whole turkey dinner ordeal this christmas. Since I won't be spending it on a beach, this should be possible...

Well my dears, it's getting late and tomorrow will be a long day at the library. I'll postpone my word of the day until tomorrow- and then maybe I'll use something I learnt!


P.S This is where Mom & Dad are going tomorrow. I am extremely jealous. It's Uluwatu Beach- in Bali. Looks like a perfect place to spend their last day away. I'm sure dad will take much better pictures though.


Thursday, October 7, 2010

Thursday (stil spotty internet)

Yesterday was the law society orientation. Basically they spend the day trying to get you excited about joining the law society and take part in their different activities. I won’t bore you with that, since I wasn’t exactly jumping out of my own chair all day. It was all the first year law students- and in Canada it would mean I would be among the youngest, but here there were mostly right-out-of-high-school kids. What I did learn about is what all the steps are to become a lawyer here. I guess the real reason these brits can go right from high school to law is because their 3 year degree is not the end (p.s this isn’t the course I’m in). After uni they have to go to another college and take another 1 year course in practical law- which costs about £14,000- and then hopefully get taken on for a year training contract (this is sort of like articling in Canada). And that is just to become a solicitor. To be a barrister (so you actually work in the courts) you have to do a whole other process. Canada’s 7 exams upon returning (before the Bar exam) aren’t sounding so terrible...

Today I just got back from my first lecture. I have to just laugh at this situation. We only had one today- and it may have been the easiest ‘lecture’ I have ever attended. This particular course- learning legal skills- is for all first years, despite which law program you are doing. So today this lovely Italian woman walked us through tips for law school(do the readings, stay on top of the assignments blah blah blah) and even had someone come in and talk to us about our textbook. Thankfully, after tomorrow’s second ‘lecture’, we just go to tutorials for this class. It will obviously be key for the program- it’s not the subject I’m laughing at- more that I feel like I have been transported back to my first year. There was a massive line after class to ask questions- I can’t even guess what they were asking about. The thing is- I will take this while I can, because after tomorrow I suspect I will be longing for these silly baby steps.

Oh another thing we learnt about at the orientation is the Pro Bono “extra curricular” programs. They have a free legal advice clinic type thing they set up- and while I know nothing that can be of use yet, first years can apply to do administration- which may be boring but looks great on your resume(and is essentially what I did at the law firm in vic!). The other thing is the innocence project. It deals with cases where prisoners have maintained their innocence through trial and even while in jail- and this group gets assigned two cases. They spend however long going through al the evidence etc and trying to find a way to prove their innocence. For both of these you have to apply by next week, and I think Amy and I are both just going to attempt it. Because I am certainly not joining the netball team.

Since the internet is out, I have no fun articles to talk about- but I do have a new word of the day!

mens rea: [latin: a guilty mind] The state of mind that the prosecution must prove a defendant to have had at the time of committing a crime in order to secure a conviction.

There you go- I hope the internet will kick in soon! To waste the afternoon, I think I will go for a stroll downtown and perhaps stumble into the mall… I still need some flat boots!

Tuesday Oct 5

I must be boring you all out of your minds. No one cares about these boring days I have been having. I did buy the first of many law books today Learning Legal Studies, and I have the Law Society Orientation tomorrow, and I met my super awesome law tutor, and I finally put money in my UK bank account- but you don't want to hear about that. So let's talk about something else.

I read this article and I wish I could find one of these classes. Because half of you won't click that link- it's about this new exercise class called ballet core. Basically, it's a mix of ballet and pilates and is just meant to do all the wonderful things dance class does for you. After a boring day at the gym, this sounds like a wonderful idea. I miss working out without thinking about it.

I also watched another silly British show on the tele tonight. Okay it's called Wedding House and couples come in having only told the planner sort of what they want, and in a few hours they get married. Now the first one was this couple that wanted an Alice in Wonderland themed wedding, and all their guests were dressed up. It was insane. The second one didn't have a theme but it was a real shot-gun wedding. Oh and that groom almost refused to go down the isle because his suit wasn't blue. The third, an insane dalmatian lover who had every guest bring their dalmatian. She even did a speech about the dogs. The fourth and final one was the worst. Now you know I love Moulin Rouge, but that as a theme to your wedding? No way. This couple did it- complete with entering their wedding singing a song from the movie. Oh and they were terrible singers. The groom almost cried before having to sing- it was a real drama fest. Terrible. I hope when we get real cable there will be some better shows- or maybe this will cure my minor tv addiction.

Another thing that caught my eye while I was catching up on the news was this. After one heart-pounding sleepless night, due to a single drink containing Red Bull, this article doesn't seem too far off. When they say one serving daily- they mean it. So although I rarely resort to energy drinks, this gives me another reason to steer clear of them the next time I pull an all-nighter. (Psht not like I will be doing that...)

Speaking of school, I thought of a super-nerdy thing to do on my blog. When I bought the law text today, you got a law dictionary for just 5 pounds. So to make use of that and expand both yours and my legal understanding, I'm going to do a legal term of the day! Okay I may have lost like 4 of my 5 readers for that comment, but come on- it will be fun!

Word of the Day: Deposition
"In civil proceedings, a statement made on oath before a judge or an examiner of the court. The court may order an examiner of the court to take depositions from any witnesses who are (for example) ill or likely to be abroad at the time of the hearing. At the taking of the deposition the witness is examined and cross-examined as if he was giving evidence at trial; the evidence of the witness is recorded in full. A deposition may be given in evidence at a hearing or at trial. "
- Now don't you wish you were about to start a two year course full of this kind of wordy crap? I can't wait!

Well time to go,

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Missing Internet

I hate stolen Internet. It's so flaky and really let's me down. So I'm doing this two second post from my phone. Hopefully it will be a different story tomorrow. I have a few good posts qued up for you though!
Xo cmac

Monday, October 4, 2010

Monday Monday

I thought this was going to be a post all about how amazing and intense my first day of school was- Nope! So we woke up nice and early, got into our cute first day outfits, had a nice breakfast and strode off to what we thought was going to be this awe inspiring speech at 9:30am. Turns out, because we are new to the school, this is a welcome to the university type thing. So two guys talked about how great the university is- which is mostly unnecessary considering we have all decided to come here already- and it took all of 17 minutes once everyone piled into the theatre. So after that we fought through crowds of 17 year old 'freshers' all trying to get into the SUB to see all the super cool booth and crap like that, which you assume is really important when you first go to university. However, we were just trying to find the on-campus gym. Turns out there was a water leak and the gym won't be open for a little while. Fortunately, there's another bigger gym, except its about a 30-45 min walk away from the school. Oh and you can't go and workout until you go to a gym 'induction'- and they are all booked up until friday. So no gyming for the week. BUT there are classes that you can do without that silly step- so we are going to try out the yoga tonight, so I'll let you know how that goes tomorrow.

After wasting an hour or so we got to register with the law school. Again, I was expecting some big thing. Nope. Just sign your name here, hand in this form, get an envelope with your info in it. They only give us a schedule for this week though- so I still don't know what my real schedule is which of course is gnawing at my psycho anal side. We did sign up for the law society though- which has an orientation thing on wednesday. And we signed up to meet our personal tutors tomorrow. One of the cool things they do here is assign everyone to a 'tutor'(mostly law profs/researchers etc) who helps make sure we do everything right and gives us someone to cry to for help. Mine is actually the lady whose name is splattered all over the senior status llb program thing- plus I think she deals with canadian students or something like that. Anyways, I recognized her name. Amy also has a lady - so no hot british law profs to drool over yet. So with those two things done- our day was over in terms of school. I feel a bit deflated. From what I can see thursday is the first time we have a class, and friday we have 4 lectures. That will be a nice long day. Hopefully then someone will give me a goddamn class schedule so I can pre-plan my life.

I do know my winter and spring breaks now, though, so save your pennies boys and girls- April is the month to come visit. or maybe its the month I should go do some travelling myself and meet you at various locations in Europe. But this may require me to get a job and/or save a bunch of money. Instead of spending it on a rainy day- I'll use it to get me out of these rainy days! Maybe I'll get a job at some pub- no that will end with me pouring beer on some assholes head I'm sure. Or maybe a cafe? That wouldn't be terrible. Guess I can figure that out once i've got my schedule...

Oh, on a completely different note I wanted to share with you my newest observation. Any v-neck wearing, cardigan loving, skinny jean obsessed male should relocate to England. You would fit in perfectly. That's all there is here- at least from what I have seen in my almost two weeks here. In a couple weeks we are going to possibly go to London for a concert and I will let you know if the same goes there. And even better- haven't seen a single bejewelled tshirt yet!

All this talk of clothes really makes me want to go shopping...but I have a 'Learning Legal Skills' book I suppose I should peruse through instead. The carefree days are over...

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Sneak Peek

Okay so somehow we have a little bit of internet today. So I wanted to just give you a few shots of the house while I had a chance.

This is my room- gotta love that my bed and curtains totally clash. It's looking better than this now, but not completely organized yet. More of these to come once I have something on the walls and clothes organized completely. However, I did put together a new cupboard- while drunk last night. That's talent.

This is a rainy picture of our garden. It's quite cute in the sunshine, but I forgot to take a sunny picture.

These are the stairs from hell. My calves have undoubtedly gotten a great work out and we have only been here a week.

The living room. This is the only picture I have okayed to stay up on our walls. For the most part they are ugly scenic shots and such, but this Matisse is alright by me.

Our kitchen. Not too exciting but if I didn't put it up, you would've asked.

This was our first 'fancy' meal we cooked in our house. Pasta and salad made by miss amy. Note the champagne. We went out last night after this- and many other drinks. I'm worried about the pictures amy took- but most of you will end up seeing those on facebook. We had a good time and we are paying the price today. It's been a couch day for sure. But tonight I will make sure everything is all ready for the big day tomorrow!

Hope you enjoy the pics- there will be more to come soon xo

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Come rain or come shine

It is Saturday morning. Our (stolen)internet is no longer connecting, so I am back to pre-writing in Word. Yesterday was a rainy miserable day outside. I have fully unpacked one suitcase- and the second one is just waiting for shelves/drawers/something to put those clothes in. I am already doing the ‘I have nothing to wear’ thing- but I knew it would come to that since I have maybe 1/3 of my wardrobe and maybe 1/8 of my shoes. Dressing for this weather is…interesting? I felt like I was getting ready to go skiing yesterday. I had my thickest leggings on, tucked into big thick socks, which were squished into my rain boots. Then a long sleeved top under a thick knitted sweater, with a scarf and my rain jacket. And to top it off, my ‘Sherlock Holmes’ hat. It was all necessary for yesterday’s pouring rain mixed with bone-chilling wind. British weather they call it. Guess I better get used to it.
So after unpacking all morning, and getting bundled up, we went downtown to Boots. Now if you don’t already know, I happen to love Shoppers Drug Mart. Boots is practically the British equivalent. I needed a bunch of stuff because three extra sweaters trumped bottles of shampoo and bubble bath in the packing scheme. This took unusually long because my usual stuff is not there- so I had to branch out and figure out where everything was. After that, we hit up ‘pound stretcher’ (aka a dollar store) looking for school supplies. Instead Amy found some cute prints for her room and I found a memory foam mattress topper- this is not your usual dollar store. So again we trudged back from downtown, wondering to ourselves why oh why do we find things when we are so far from home. We also need to figure out the bus thing- because otherwise as the weather gets worse, I may become a hermit. One downside to that is that UofL doesn’t do bus passes like Uvic did. Oh well.
We returned home with rumbling tummies and we were ready to whip up some lovely pasta. But no. At first we thought we were idiots for not knowing how to turn on the stove, but we did everything right and it wouldn’t light. Now gas stoves sort of freak me out to begin with, and then I found out that it was broken. They left an inventory list of things in the apartment and their condition, and the previous tenants wrote next to the stove ‘ignition broken’. As I write this I wonder to myself if we could have lit a match and ignited it ourselves, but then I have images of my hair bursting into flames. We will have to go into the agency today and make sure they get someone to come fix it. Oh but on a different note, we did get the heating working. It is now toasty warm in here.
Well I guess it is time for me to get off the couch and get ready for the day. I will report back later with the events of the day.

So the sun has been out all day, which was great for my mood as well as my need to find some furniture. We went to the letting agency. The stove igniter has always been broken so all we needed was a lighter- easy enough. Plus they put my fears of burning hair to rest. Now like I said this morning, we have no internet at home anymore. So at the moment I am blogging at a cafe that has free wifi- how European. It's actually a cafe bar- so while amy and I sip our lattes, there are guys around us drinking beer. For a minute we thought they were all looking at us- but then we realized they were staring past us, outside, where a orange Lamborghini just parked. Amy is probably going to take a picture.
Okay back to my play by play of today’s events. After we found out about our stove, we found another grocery store that we finally found salad dressing in. No one has salad dressing, they have ‘salad sauce’- the ingredients only mayonnaise and mustard. Gross. So we finally found some normal dressing and some veggies. We also bought some peaches and nectarines from a market-style store. All this is on Queens Rd- the one that’s a couple blocks from us and has almost everything you need but a mall. We also swung by the school to get some nerd supplies. We have looked everywhere for cheap pens and paper but the school is the only place that seems to have reasonably priced stuff. Strange considering the Uvic stores charge you triple the price of anywhere else. So with that all in our bags we walked home- but not before we caught a whiff of what the butcher was cooking. I guess because it’s Saturday or maybe because it was sunny, the butcher had a pork roast thing on the street and two buns for 5 quid with onions and stuffing and even apple sauce if you wanted. We were curious so we grabbed one each (along with some chicken to make for dinner). They were delightful. Being a vegetarian here would be really hard.
After we dropped this all off at home, we headed across the street to ‘Homebase’ (where I got my hanger thing and amy got her drawers). So I found this cupboard type thing to put my tshirts etc in, plus we got a set of dishes and a screwdriver! So after this coffee break I will put it together. I think Amy is worried, but somehow despite not having a single tomboy characteristic, I am really great at reading instructions and therefore not bad at putting things together.
Tonight we will likely go out. Now that we know the rules, I feel like it will be a much better experience. Plus this is the last weekend before school, so I feel like we need to celebrate. Plus delayed birthday celebrations of course! I will try to write something tomorrow, but if not my next post might be written once I am officially a law student :)

Xo cmac