Monday, September 13, 2010

A Lovely Sunday Afternoon

You know those days where you expect to be bored out of your mind and have nothing to do? Well after waking up and finding out my plans for the day were a no go, I felt a bit doomed. I had spent Saturday- day AND night- packing up a storm (aka my room is made up of about 72 piles of clothes that are semi-organized into yes/maybe/no's) and another full day of this task would have been enough to drive me a bit insane. Instead, it was grandma mary to the rescue!

As you know, I was in the market for a fabulous bag, and grandma had a wonderful idea- Winners! So I met her there and upon my arrival she already had the perfect one ready to go. It was love at first sight (which is how I choose all my purses- but is rarely the case with men...) and I knew we were meant for each other. It's a red Matt&Nat bag. Big enough for my carry-on essentials, plus it's gorgeous. And I promise I will tote this one around as much as I can (later we can play spot the purse in pictures!) and I think it will work for a school bag as well. Okay, so I got this bag - along with a few for grandma- and headed to lunch. I feel like whenever I am home, I never have enough time to spend with the people I love most. So it was lovely to have some girl time.

After lunch, I decided I better do some preliminary searching for my poison ivy costume. Oh yeah- have I discussed this little event yet? Friday is the offices 2nd annual golf tournament. We have team themes again: Rockstars & Popstars, Heroes & Villains, and Nerds(we needed a fifth team!). So I am a villain- hence poison ivy. Ok so back to my story. I went to every store in the damn mall looking for a green 'dress' - and I had no options anywhere. Apparently green is not so in this fall... So after the obvious la senza & le vie en rose, I ventured into the Bay. To be honest there was nothing at all in there 'intimates' section. That's when I got desperate. I went into Sears. I always avoid this- it is as if I block that area of the mall out of my mind. But I had no choice. As I walk in, I realize it smells very strongly of very old people. My nose was promptly no longer interested in the search, but at that moment a song I kind of adore came on Sweet Disposition- by The Temper Trap. Taking this as a sign, I trudged on. I went through rows of flannel nightgowns and bras with cups large enough to fit a small child, and just when I thought there was no more- there, a lone green "satin" dress hung. I was thrilled- I kind of felt like screaming "YES!!" into the air but thought better of it since this may have triggered a heart attack for one of my fellow shoppers. This next part is really good. I didn't want to brave the flower patterned change rooms so I did what I would usually never allow- I threw the dress over my head, glanced in a mirror and figured it would work. After standing in line behind a more than mildly obese woman, who told the teller that she ought to watch what she ate and exercise, I made my purchase and still had time to swing by Chapters to buy Saturday. It was truly a thrilling day.

The evening was less eventful, but I did manage to finally watch the movie Chloe. Creepy. Not in a horror way- but in a "wow that girl went from Mama Mia to playing a psycho lesbian 'lady of the night' "(that one's for you carr) kinda way. I also had a bit of a family meeting with the brothers. When girls break my brothers' hearts it makes me briefly hate teenage girls. I know I was once one of these horrid creatures- and I'm sure there are a couple guys that may agree that I was equally terrible as a seventeen year old- but I just don't know how any one can hurt my boys. I know they must go through the heart ache too, but I wish I could/ knew how to navigate them through this without a scratch. How cheesy but true.

So I shall leave you with that. A perfect handbag and some heartbreak.

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