Wednesday, May 11, 2011

An explanation

I have been neglecting you. I am aware of this. I promise I have been accumulating. But I feel like I never have time these days. But my head is about to explode with random things to talk about and I thought if I didn't get it all out I might explode.

I have been studying. But who wants to hear about that? (Okay maybe my parents and grandparents- who often think to themselves while reading this "Is she really in law school???"- I am! I studyyy!) But sometimes I take breaks to eat/shop/look at pretty things/celebrate 'historic' holidays/go on educational trips. I don't take pictures of me studying but I do take pictures of this...

Today I went to the Supreme Court! 
(This is Geronimo and I sitting in the REAL chairs of the REAL Judges pretending to be professional)

Then we went to Picadilly/Soho and found the Hummingbird Bakery.
I have been searching for so long. 
I brought home two delicious cupcakes mmmm.

They have cook books. Would it be too much to ask for one? Even though they are ALL cupcakes, and my excessive love for baking cupcakes has been completely cut off by my useless oven??
If you could try their red velvet ones, you'd wish I could make them for you...

And then we satisfied a craving I have had since Christmas:


And the place was called Satsuma- so naturally it was all orange inside. I would've taken a picture but I was too distracted by the food- you're lucky I snapped this shot.

Hey look! Proof I am actually in the UK. Big Ben...


...And you should all recognize Westminster Abbey! 

Last week it was Cinco de Mayo - so we celebrated the Mexican in all of us :)

The FOUR amigos. 
(Above and Below)

(yes, those are in fact mini orange garbage cans we are drinking out of)

Okay the margaritas were a little too sour with the grapefruit juice- but focus on the hot white jeans.

I wore my new Zara green maxi skirt and my white&green wedges
(Look mom I matched!)

One of the guys even managed to find a pinata in this mexican-free town.
There was lots of candy.

So as you see, I have been busy. In an effort to not create the longest post of all time, I will cut this one off here. BUT I will quickly get my fingers typing up the next one because I have soooo much more to say. Surprised?

xo cmac

1 comment:

  1. I see you WORKIN that dress YAY!! I still haven't worn mine! You look lovely!! I've officially relapsed and have become addicted to your blog again!! keep em coming!
    ps: you're keeping up with your tan! Well- not compared to the girls HAHA Annette
