Wednesday, May 4, 2011

I'm Back!

Hello Lovelies- I've missed you!
(I pretend this is a conversation and not me talking to myself- it makes me feel less narcissistic and/or nuts)
Song: I still love Rihanna obviously

I would love to tell you everything right this moment but you will have to wait for a few drawn out posts on France. With my arrival home, the crushing pressure of exams has greeted me. So I am studying all day- and actually jotting things down on sticky-notes to remind me of things I MUST tell you. Many won't make the cut- like my hate-on for this one particular couple that finds making out in a cafe in the middle of the day for TWO HOURS totally acceptable despite the glares coming from the 6+ of us studying around them... okay ranting? But no I have some ideas, and as soon as i feel like I can let myself take a little blog time- I will.

To hold you off, look at this lovely house I want to one day live in I think. Flan brought it to my attention yesterday, and while I was catching up on my blog reading list I realized I had already drooled over the pictures and then forgotten. Because I have the short term memory of fish? {insert animal that fits this description} But okay since half of you won't go to the link, here's a glimpse:

(photo via

The only issue with this house is that it is in Sweden- so relocating or recreating will have to occur. Please look through the pictures though- I love the dinning room table, and office..and DO IT!

But because I want you to stick around, I'll give you a quick peek into some of the France pictures...

Have a great day! And if you haven't yet, read my ridiculous friend's guest post- Thank you Amy! {missed you too}
xo cmac

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