That was after yesterday's class. Today we had a full day of lectures, and I can safely say that unless my Law of Tort prof is British, I will be without a single British professor. Legal Skills is Italian, Civil is Spanish, Contract is German. Oh and my tutor is Canadian. Aren't we so international? Thankfully only Pablo, the one from Spain, is hard to understand- but he isn't terrible on the eyes. Amy almost had a crush on him- until she met the German. Somehow he reminds her of our prof Bunton from Uvic that taught us Palestine/Israeli Conflict- she had a big crush on him despite his very obvious lisp and wedding ring. I don't understand either. Other than introductions, we have a ton of reading to do. Time to get my nerd on.
To balance the materialistic first paragraph, and convince you that I really do plan on being nerdy- read this. It's about who they awarded a Nobel Peace Prize. I won't summarize- just read through it. Perhaps it could be read while munching on this.
I want to attempt to make something festive on this first Thanksgiving I am missing with my family. Maybe a crumble, but hopefully a pumpkin pie. Oh and since my oven is small(like everything here) there won't be a turkey or stuffing, but maybe chicken and some mashed potatoes instead? All I know is that I better get the whole turkey dinner ordeal this christmas. Since I won't be spending it on a beach, this should be possible...
Well my dears, it's getting late and tomorrow will be a long day at the library. I'll postpone my word of the day until tomorrow- and then maybe I'll use something I learnt!
P.S This is where Mom & Dad are going tomorrow. I am extremely jealous. It's Uluwatu Beach- in Bali. Looks like a perfect place to spend their last day away. I'm sure dad will take much better pictures though.
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